It's also worth noting that each chart has at least one game exclusive to the outlet, such as Modern Warfare 2 (Steam), Stargate Resistance (D2D) and Sins (Impulse). Rise of A Solar Empire: A Sins of a Solar Empire Fan-Fiction Novel Introduction To the many fans of the 2008-2012 hit game series, 'Sins of a Solar Empire,' we all know the story 10 millennia prior to the game's current events, the Vasari Empire had dissolved from within by a seemingly unstoppable enemy 1 millennia prior to the game's lore, the ancient Trader ancestors discovered a lost. Unsurprisingly, several games that were on sale across the past week-in particular Titan Quest Gold, Red Faction: Guerrilla and Majesty-also climbed the charts. No doubt propelled by the currently underway pre-order multiplayer beta, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 pre-orders once again topped the Steam charts, with bonus-filled Digital Deluxe Editions of Mass Effect 2 and Star Trek Online on all three charts. The latest charts from PC outlets Steam, Direct2Drive and Impulse are in, once again speaking to the strength of exclusive offerings, pre-order bonuses and discounts.