After years of training, Naruto Uzumaki returns to the village, eager to rejoin his old team when he learns of Gaara's capture by the Akatsuki clan. A few years have passed since the original series ended Sasuke has still not returned to the Leaf Village, and everyone else has grown a little bit older and stronger. It's an adventure game that satisfies a few fans but certainly could have been better.Īkatsuki Rising takes place in the early part of the series' story line. This changes with Naruto Shippuden: Legends - Akatsuki Rising, the first PSP game based on the orange-clad ninja's older life. For the most part, PSP owners have been spared the adventure games since all of their Naruto games have belonged to the fighting genre. On the other hand, the adventure games have wavered between fairly good to mediocre takes on platforming and brawling. The fighting games are often regarded as some of the best anime fighting titles since the Dragon Ball Z series and are pretty decent fighting games in their own right. The quality of game design and fun that can be found in a Naruto video game is largely dependent on its genre.